Det til trods for at Dwan selv er oppe med yderligere $800.000 efter sessionen, hvor de trods bordets satser på $500/1000 på forhånd havde aftalt ikke at spille et flop uden et 9K bet, altså at det skulle koste mindst $9000 at se et flop!
Dwan skriver i sin seneste blog, at det var retarderet højt spil af dem begge, og at de i det mindste nok burde justerere satserne lidt nedaf:
"Been awake a while, and played a ton in the last 3 days. I had a pretty awful week of poker before that, where i lost about $1.9m- mainly to ziigmund, but in the last week i've managed to recoup those losses. I'd like to think that the losses had a good amount to do with some bad luck, but i know the wins definitely had to do with good luck.
I played ilari at 500/1k where we had to raise and reraise every hand- so before any option the small blind makes it 3k, and the big blind makes it 9k. This is obviously a retardedly huge game, and both of us should probably be playing at least a little bit smaller. I managed to win about 800k at 3/9 tho- so it worked out this time."
Du kan læse hele Tom "durrr" Dwans seneste blog her