Sklansky udsat for hjemmerøveri

Sklansky udsat for hjemmerøveri

Ejeren af 2+2 og pokerteretikeren David Sklansky fik sig en grim overraskelse i nat, da han pludselig blev vækket af to mænd, der stod i hans soveværelse. Mændene var ikke kommet for at synge Ole Lukøje, og Sklansky så da også en pistol i mørket.

Sklansky fik røvet sit hjem, men slap med livet i behold - takket være hans evner ved et pokerbord. Sklansky brugte nemlig de samme tekniker, der gør ham til en vindende spiller ved bordet:
"During the time he was there, my main focus was to make sure that he didn't think that I was panicking or that I would do something silly," Sklansky explains. "The advice is the same as in a poker game; you try and figure out what the other guy is thinking and then act accordingly. I can imagine if he was doing this same robbery with someone who didn't' behave the way I did it could have turned out terribly.", udtaler David Sklansky til News 3.