Så har de to kamphaner været i ringen igen. Ziigmund er kendt som en af de helt store trash-talkere på de høje takster. Det er Gus Hansen ikke, men han ender alligevel tit med at være i centrum for modstanderens tilsvining.
En opmærksom læser har fanget en knap så pæn dialog mellem den danske pokerstjerne og den aggressive finne. Chatten starter efter en hånd, hvor Ziigmund rammer sin flush, som dog ikke kan slå Gustavs fulde hus.
Gus Hansen: he hit his flush again
Gus Hansen: he always does thats why he still has a little
Ziigmund: anytime anywhere hu omaha or no limit.....mr
great dane
Gus Hansen: chances are it wont last long
Ziigmund: gus just wanna play shortstack.no skills for real
Gus Hansen: thats true I BETTER QUIT
Ziigmund: yup
Ziigmund: that s first good decision in your poker career
OMGClayAiken: good
OMGClayAiken: i needed a break
Ziigmund: haha
Ziigmund: look
Ziigmund: thats so funny
OMGClayAiken: haha
Ziigmund: what do u think about when gus said he is not fish
Gus Hansen: are you winning on this site Ziigmund?
Ziigmund: yes
OMGClayAiken: haha
Gus Hansen: I was wondering because you always ask me
for money
Ziigmund: just check always u still have something left
Gus Hansen: it makes sense that you would ask because
you play pretty bad
Ziigmund: heads up no limit and Omaha
Ziigmund: ü fisk
Gus Hansen: I dont get backed like you
Gus Hansen: so I actually care about the money
Ziigmund: i dont take any backed
Gus Hansen: whatever
Ziigmund: so nolimit or omaha heads up mrHansu
Ziigmund: games running around gusettaja
Ny chat-fight mellem Gus og Ziigmund